Committee Duties

Club Chairman

    1. To chair monthly Committee meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
    2. To act as Master of Ceremonies at the Annual Club Dinner.
    3. To hold a position on the Bath CSSC.
    4. To guide and advise the General Committee on CSSC issues.
    5. To ensure all trophies are returned at least six weeks before the annual Club Dinner.
    6. To arrange distribution of voting slips for the annual awards.
    7. To arrange engraving of all trophies and awards and ensure they are ready for the annual dinner.

Honorary Secretary

    1. To be the point of contact for all club business with both other rugby and non-rugby organisations.
    2. To organise the AGM iaw the Club Constitution.
    3. To produce a report for the AGM.
    4. To produce and publish the AGM minutes.
    5. To organise monthly general committee meetings.
    6. To produce and publish minutes for each monthly general committee meeting.
    7. To ensure that all of the Clubs RFU fees and insurance premiums are paid.
    8. To order and distribute international tickets.
    9. To provide an account and monies to the treasurer for international ticket sales.


    1. To collect all membership subscriptions from the membership secretary on a monthly basis.
    2. To collect monies from other Club members as and when appropriate.
    3. To issue receipts for all monies collected.
    4. To maintain a record of all the Club’s financial transactions.
    5. To maintain a list of all the Club’s debtors/creditors and inform the General Committee monthly.
    6. To provide an estimate of the Club’s financial situation at each General Committee meeting.
    7. To ensure an annual audited account is prepared and presented to the AGM.

Fixture/Match Secretary

    1. To compile a fixture list prior to the start of each season.
    2. To arrange for printing and distribution of fixture cards at the start of each season.
    3. To provide the membership secretary with a supply of fixture cards once produced.
    4. To provide a list of fixtures to the Somerset RFU by the required date in the close season.
    5. To provide a list of fixtures to the Referees Appointments secretary before the middle of July.
    6. To provide the Sulis Club with a fixture list.
    7. To confirm fixtures in the week prior to the match with the opposition match secretary.
    8. To confirm home fixtures in the week prior to them being played with the appointed referees.
    9. To ensure a referee has been appointed for all home games.
    10. To use the pool facility to arrange a replacement game following cancellation of the original fixture.
    11. To inform the referee if a home game is cancelled and no replacement game can be arranged.
    12. To book Sulis Club pitches for adhoc home games that are not shown in the fixture card.
    13. To liase with Club Sponsors regarding current and future sponsorship arrangements.
    14. To organise Tour matches once advised by the Tour secretary of the destination.
    15. To arrange food for home matches and ensure orders are cancelled when matches are cancelled.
    16. To ensure food invoices are received, paid and receipts obtained for the Treasurer.

Membership Secretary

    1. To maintain a list of all playing and non-playing members and Vice Presidents of the Club.
    2. To collect and maintain a record of membership subscriptions.
    3. To advise Treasurer and Team Manager of any debtors.
    4. To record CSSC membership numbers for those club members that are also members of the CSSC.
    5. To issue fixture cards to all paid up members of the Club.
    6. To issue fixture cards to and seek donations from the Vice Presidents of the Club.
    7. To publish at least three times a season a Club newsletter for VPs and Club Sponsors.

Social Secretary

    1. To organise social and/or fund raising events as directed by the General Committee.
    2. To publicise all social and fund raising events to all members by appropriate means.
    3. To organise fund raising on home match days.
    4. To provide accounts of monies spent and/or raised for the Club Treasurer asap after the event.
    5. To organise the Annual Club Dinner.
    6. To ensure the Club is registered iaw the lottery act to enable the Christmas draw to be run.
    7. To organise coaches for matches and events when directed to do so by the General Committee.

Club Captain

    1. To appoint a Vice Captain.
    2. To organise team selections along with the vice captain and any other member he so wishes to ask.
    3. To organise half time refreshments for home games.
    4. To collect match subscriptions from all players after the match.
    5. To provide the Treasurer with an account for all monies collected.
    6. To produce a report of events on the playing side of the Club at the AGM.
    7. To report the views of the players at selection and/or General Committee meetings.

Team Manager

    1. To maintain up to date player availability schedules at least four weeks in advance.
    2. To co-ordinate team selection.
    3. To maintain contact with injured players so as to monitor their prospective availability.
    4. To report players views at selection and/or General Committee meetings.
    5. To liase with membership secretary on playing member issues.

Clothing and Equipment Manager

    1. To purchase club clothing as agreed with the General Committee.
    2. To advertise Club clothing and its availability.
    3. To take orders from Club members and place orders with suppliers for Club Clothing.
    4. To purchase equipment or repairs as directed by the General Committee.
    5. To provide regular accounts and inventory reports to the Treasurer for both clothing and equipment.
    6. To ensure the Club First Aid box is adequately stocked at all times.

Publicity Manager

    1. To advertise the Club at all opportunities in the Bath area especially the local press.
    2. To make the local press aware of forthcoming events at the Club.
    3. To edit and publish a periodical Club Magazine.

Tour Manager

    1. To organise the annual tour as directed by the General Committee.
    2. To advertise the tour so as to ensure maximum numbers attend.
    3. To operate a separate tour account and collect monies from attendees.
    4. To provide an account to the Treasurer asap after the tour.