AGM 30/7/21


David Pyles; Jim Biss; Ed Bell; Paddy Thomas; Owen Swabey; Rob Langan; Mark Boxall; Robbie Lawrence; Matt Tomes; Hamish Donnelly; Dean Taylor; Alex Johnson; Tom Burke

  1. Apologies:

Jon Bradley; Sam Crowder

  1. Previous Minutes


  1. Secretary’s Report

No games of rugby were played by Bath Saracens during the cancelled 2020/2021 season due to the continuation of the Corona virus Pandemic. Despite this the club has remained functional over this time and has enabled a continuation of training as well as keeping the group of players and coaches from the previous few years connected.

That the club has remained viable during these troubled times is to be commended and we are all looking forward to a enjoyable 2021/2022 season – with some actual games of rugby! Thank you to everyone who has continued to support the club through this difficult season.

There were 5 full meetings of the club committee over zoom (video calling) during the season to discuss the ongoing pandemic and its effect on playing and training. No face to face meetings have been possible (until today!).  There was strong attendance by committee members at all these meetings.

Following the cancellation of the 2020/2021 season Bath Saracens will start the 2021/2022 season in September 2021 and Bath Saracens will compete in D&W Division II (Mid). There are likely to be further changes to league structures in the coming years following the RFU consultation on the structure of community rugby.

Although playing in D&W we continue to be also affiliated to the Somerset and Civil Service RFU’s.

Our continued thanks to Paddy Thomas for running the Bath Saracens RFC website and social media channels.

A strong coaching team has continued to oversee our training with Dean Taylor and Mark Fordham generously giving up their time even during the pandemic to coach the team and keep players engaged. We thank both of them for their continued dedication and look forward to working with them in the coming season.


  1. Captains Report

No games this year as decision was made not to play any matches under COVID revised rules. Numbers at training continue to be good. Now looking forward to the season ahead.

  1. Treasurers Report
    1. Presentation of Report

The treasurer had provided a full set of reports for review. These are available from him on request.

  1. Acceptance of Report

The membership formally accepted the report.

  1. Opt-out of requirement for full audit.

Under the provisions of RFU Rule 5.1.5(c) the Club agreed to opt out of a formal audit or examination, by a qualified accountant, of the Club’s 2017-18 Annual Financial Statement. The resolution was passed unanimously.



  1. Changes to the Constitution and Rules



  1. Election of Officers
    1. Chairman – Dave Pyles
    2. General Secretary – Sam Crowder
    3. Honorary Treasurer – Mark Boxall
    4. Fixture Secretary – Robbie Lawrence
    5. Social Secretary – Hamish Donnelly
    6. Membership and VP Secretary – Owen Swabey
    7. Publicity Secretary – Paddy Thomas
    8. Captain – Ed Bell
    9. General Committee:
      1. Jon Bradley
      2. Mike York
  • Rob Langham
  1. Jim Biss
  2. Dean Taylor


Note The committee may co-opt further members prior to the start of the season


  1. Any Other Business

The officers of the club were thanked for their hard work over the last year.

Thanks to Matt Tomes for co-ordinating the charity run .

First Committee meeting will be 4th August 2021