Club Code of Conduct

The club’s committee have written and agreed on a Code of Conduct for all members of the club. These are the attitudes and behaviours that we expect of all members, in line with the core values of rugby as per the IRB. These are what the rugby values look like in our club and what you can expect from us as a teammate or an opponent.


Teamwork – we win and lose together. We work to make each other better but we also hold each other up after mistakes

Respect – play and train when you can. Say when you can’t and say as early as possible. Respect your body; don’t turn up in a state unfit to play*

Enjoyment – we play to win but value enjoyment above everything else. Playing rugby for us should be fun

Discipline – we do what we say we will. We keep to our commitments including meet times for trainings/games/socials.

Sportsmanship – we’re good sports during games and good hosts after. We play within the laws of the game, shake hands when it’s done and have a beer together


*the club has a zero tolerance policy to drugs. If you are under the influence you will not be allowed to play.