1. General
(a) The club shall be called “Bath Saracens Rugby Football Club”, and its colours shall be Navy Blue, Cardinal Red and Gold.
(b) Membership of the club shall comprise a President, Vice-Presidents, Officers and Playing and Non-Playing members. Playing and Non-Playing members are those that have paid a membership fee for the current or most recent season.
(c) The officers of the club shall consist of a Chairman, General Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Membership Secretary, Publicity and VP Secretary, Social Secretary, and Team Captains.
(d) The Club shall be affiliated to the Rugby Football Union, the Civil Service Rugby Football Union, the Somerset County Rugby Football Union and the Bath and District Rugby Combination.
2. Purpose
(a) The Club exists to provide facilities for the playing of Rugby Union Football.
(b) These facilities should be provided as economically as possible.
3. Committees
(a) General Committee
A General Committee shall be formed to administer all business of the Club. It shall be composed of the Officers of the Club and six others.” At last year’s AGM it was proposed and agreed by a majority vote to reduce the number of general committee members. A proposal was made to reverse last year’s change to allow us to vote in more general committee members especially useful when we are pending allocation of Officer roles.
(b) Team Selection Committee
The Team Selection Committee shall consist of the Club Captain and Vice-Captain, other Team Captains and the Club Coach. They shall have the power to co-opt such advisors as they require for selection purposes.
(c) Social Committee
The Social Secretary will be responsible for appointing his/her own committee. This committee shall be responsible for the organisation of social events, various fund raising activities and the annual dinner.
(d) Disciplinary Committee
The Disciplinary Committee will be responsible for meeting to deal with a referee’s red card received by any player or official. This meeting will take place and the outcome be reported to the league within 48 hours of the incident. This committee will comprise of a secretary and two other committee members nominated subject to availability, in order to meet the required deadline.
4. Finance
(a) A current account shall maintained at a bank approved by the General Committee. All cheques shall be signed by either the Honorary Treasurer, the General Secretary or the Chairman. The accounts of the Club shall be made up annually as at the end of the playing season and be examined by the Auditors for presentation at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) A member of the General Committee in a situation agreed to be an emergency by at least two other members of the General Committee (preferably including the Chairman and/or the Treasurer), may spend up to £100 sterling. recoverable from the Club’s current account on production to the Treasurer of:
i) An agreement from the three Committee members concerned that the expenditure was necessary. This is to be recorded in the following Committee Meeting minutes.
ii) A receipt for the expenditure.
5. General Meetings
(a) A General Meeting of Members shall be held annually after the end of the playing season and before 30th June giving 28 days notice. The purpose of the meeting is:
i) To receive the Annual Reports and accept the Accounts for the past year.
ii) To elect Officers and Committee for the ensuing year.
iii) To amend the Constitution when necessary.
iv) To transact any other business.
Six members shall form a quorum for the meeting.
(b) Notice of proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be in the hands of the General Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of a General Meeting and shall be published to members not less than 14 days before the meeting.
(c) A Special General Meeting of members shall be called by the General Secretary on receipt of a requisition, in writing, stating the objects of the meeting and signed by not less than seven members of the Club.
On receipt of such requisition the General Secretary shall call the meeting within 21 days, giving 14 days notice. No other business shall be conducted at this meeting.
6. Dissolution of the Club
(a) The club shall not be dissolved unless 75% of the membership attending an extraordinary general meeting agree to the dissolution of the club. Six weeks notice will be given of this extraordinary general meeting. In the event of the Club being dissolved, its properties and monies shall be entrusted to the Civil Service Sports Association (Bath Area).