Minutes of Bath Saracens RFC AGM 2022 – held at the Bath RFC Club House, Lambridge – 19:30, 19 June 2022

Bell, Burke, Clark, Donnelly, Fordham M., Lawrence, Navarrete, Pyles, Swabey
1. Apologies:
Biss, Boxall, Bradley, Crowder, Langan, Morton
2. Previous Minutes
3. Secretary’s Report
The 2021/2022 season was the first season following the COVID19 Pandemic. There were 10 full meetings of the club committee. Business operated smoothly with strong attendance by committee members.
In total Bath Saracens played 16 league games in Dorset and Wilts Central 2 finishing 5th in the league. We were forced to forfeit one league game (Bradford on Avon) due to lack of players, in addition the home game against Salisbury 3rds was forfeited by Sailsbury. We also played two friends at Lambridge, the Gethan Memorial game and a friendly against Bath Spa University.
We continued to benefit from the dedicated coaching of Dean Taylor and Mark Fordham. We would like to express our gratitude to Dean Taylor for all his hard work and dedication over the last few years. Dean leaves us as head coach but will join the Bath Saracens Committee and continue to support the club. Mark Fordham will assume the role of head coach.
Although playing in D&W we continue to be also affiliated to the Somerset and Civil Service RFU’s. Our thanks to Tom Burke who in the latter part of the season took on the Bath Saracens Social Media accounts. This resulted in the recruitment of additional players.
Ground and post-match hospitality
We hope to continue to receive sponsorship from the CSSA (Bath) for the costs of playing at the Sulis Club. Post-match entertainment has once-again been hosted by Graham and Carol at the Hadley Arms, who continue to provide both a warm welcome and tremendous food. Training at the Bath Rugby Lambridge Ground continues to be a great success with good numbers for training most weeks. Unfortunately this dosn’t always translate to numbers in games.
We continue our relationship with Bath RFC which has been formalised between the club secretaries and with an annual contribution for use of Lambridge. We hope to keep building this relationship.
Where Lambridge has not been available due to poor weather or ground conditions we have trained at the all weather training pitch at Odd Down often at a later time on a Thursday. This arrangement has been beneficial to Bath Saracens as we have retained our ability to train. We thank Robbie Lawrence for making these arrangements and keeping us training.

International Tickets
Mike York has continued to manage our (small) International Ticket allocation over the last year to satisfy the member’s requirements.
Social Activities
The club held a small number of social events including the ever popular curry night at the start of the season.
Like all clubs and societies Bath Saracens can only continue to exist with a life-blood of new players joining the team. We have had a good number of new recruits join the team, especially in the latter half of the season however we now need to convert these to players available on match days. As always referrals from existing members are key to growing our membership.
Future Development
This year we yet again find ourselves in the fortunate position to have a number of new faces expressing and interest in supporting the running of the club via the committee. Like in previous years this is great news for the future of Bath Saracens, please remember that you will serving the entire club membership and that our committee are vital in guiding the club into our future whilst conserving our honourable past.
End of Season Awards
The end of year awards ceremony was held at the Huntsman in Bath on the 13th May. The worthy recipients of the awards were:
End of Season Awards
Players’ Player Tom Burke
Most Improved Dave Clark
Captain’s Award Jamie Navarrete
Clubman Dean Taylor

4. Captains Report
5. Treasurers Report

a. Presentation of Report
The treasurer had provided a full set of reports for review. These are available from him on request.
b. Acceptance of Report

The membership formally accepted the report.
c. Opt-out of requirement for full audit.
Under the provisions of RFU Rule 5.1.5(c) the Club agreed to opt out of a formal audit or examination, by a qualified accountant, of the Club's 2017-18 Annual Financial Statement. The resolution was passed unanimously.

6. Changes to the Constitution and Rules

The following change was unanimously accepted:
Safeguarding Officer to be a new committee post.

7. Election of Officers

a. Chairman Dave Pyles
b. General Secretary Sam Crowder
c. Honorary Treasurer Mark Boxall
d. Fixture Secretary Sam Crowder
e. Social Secretary Eddie Bell
f. Membership and VP Secretary Owen Swabey
g. Publicity Secretary Tom Burke
h. Captain Jamie Navarette
i. Safeguarding Secretary Tracey Fordham
General Committee
Dean Taylor
Jim Biss
Hamish Donnelly
Jon Bradley
Dave Clark
The committee may co-opt further members as necessary.
The above appointments were proposed by Lawrence, seconded by Swabey and unanimously accepted.

8. Any Other Business
The first committee meeting of the forthcoming season will be held on Thursday 7TH July at the Devonshire Arms